Youth Camp
Gregory and Judith Beylerian were invited by Father Vazken to teach creative expression and flow dynamics at the church camp*
Photography & Lighting
A behind the scenes look at 60 students who participated in learning about the creative process thru photography and lighting.
This class explored the use of play and flow dynamics as a means to activate deeper creative experiences.
Drum Circle
120 Summer campers participated in this powerful drum circle experience.
With a bon fire and traditional Armenian dance integration, this drum circle provided a beautiful unity dynamic which was felt by all.
Mosaix Magazine Cover
This cover was created from a photo shoot created with 60 Armenian kids attending summer camp in the High Sierra mountains.
It was a summer workshop, teaching them about creativity and flow with photography and drum circles.
This work of art is the story/depiction of young Armenians, working together arriving on new shores. It has been a 90 year journey. To their back is Mount Ararat, their history is not abandoned. None of the kids are looking backwards. They are inspired and empowered. “The strength of Ararat is in their faces, expressions and fists.” – Fr. Vazken. With the homeland in their hearts, the flowers flourish. Moving forward toawards discovery, liberation, healing and joy. The direction is a future of our choosing, never a victim again.
* The “Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian Summer Camp” is run by the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church. It is located in Dunlap, California, 15 miles below the Seuquoi National Forest.