These archives contain Father Vazken writings organized in chronological order for over 40 years.
Writings which have been published in newspapers, books, magazines and on the Internet.

Reflecting on a Life of Humility: The Dekmejians
Reflecting on the Life of Humility: Deacon Hrair & Anoush…

Celebrating Gabriel & Katie Jay Stauring
Gabriel & Katie Jay: A Celebration of Life

Loving “as your own” – St. Joseph’s Example
Kiudkhatch – Discovery of the Holy Cross and St. Joseph

Q&A: King of Glory
Deacon's Q&A: Who is this King of glory, mighty in battle?

Not even one more: COVID & Ugly Death
Fr. Maghakia Aramian of Blessed Memory

Memories of Purity: Thoughts at a funeral
Memories of Purity
Some thoughts and ties following a funeral...

VC1: Not just a Greeting
Voice of the Church Series - #1
By order of His Eminence Archbishop…

Sermon/Wish for the New Year: Courage
Last sermon for 2020 and a Wish for the New Year: Courage

Saints, Artsakh and the Power Within
Sermon by Fr. Vazken Movsesian, 1 November 2020

A Bishop’s Anniversary through the Carpet
The Carpet in the Church: Reflections on the 40th Anniversary…

Pentecost: Language after Asphyxiation
Pentecost: Language after Asphyxiation
by Fr. Vazken Movsesian

For Michael Collins, Andrew and dad
July 17, 2019 – Yerevan.
Some people perform miracles.…

A Grand Connection to our Faith: Sunday School Alive
Last Sunday Jennie Boranian entered her Sunday school classroom…

Reflections on the Sasnashen Shoot-Down 60th Anniversary
Reflections on the US Air Force C-130 60528 Shoot Down…

Orthodoxy with Our Malankara Brothers and Sisters
Finding Brothers and Sisters in the Poconos

Miracle in the Sky and Around us
It’s hard to believe that 20 years have passed since our…

Regarding my being a Board Member of Equality Armenia
Recently an article appeared in Asbarez proclaiming me a Board…

So that Armenia may hear: One Mission, Several Hearts of Compassion & 1800 Miracles
We knew this would be an emotional trip when Archbishop Hovnan…

From Where did the name Vazken come to the Vehapar?
From where did the name “Vazken” come to the Vehapar?

I found the pearl. Now I’m going after it
Every day we wake up with news about tragedies in the world.…

Dinner-Date: Ararat from Both Sides
I was once asked by a newspaper reporter, if I could have lunch…

Ascension: Full Authority and No Wounds
Today is the day of Ascension. It’s the celebration of healing.…

Comments at LA County Gathering (MLK)
Opening Remarks at the Clergy Prayer Breakfast organized by Sheriff…

Happy Thanksgiving Mr. President
Thoughts about our President's visit, our church, our responsibility…