Tag Archive for: life

Spiritual Coaster

Next Step #760: Solutions: Write a letter? Or move mountains? Take your pick of the solution and the means. Time to get a life and take on responsibility for life. Opting for spiritual power and choice at the end of the year. Archbishop Vatché Hovsepian, laid to rest: the funeral and burial.
Leveraging Love
The Parable of Archbishop Vatche – Next Step #759
Ian Anderson: A Week of Moments www.jethrotull.com
Cover Roller Coaster: Envato Elements
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for Epostle.net
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Shooting Star

Next Step #739: A “star” shoots from one side of the sky to the other, from brightness to fizzle, at a speed that beckons slomo. A look at the speed of life, the expectations for tomorrow and reflections. Nurture vs. Nature, the case for goodness in people. Innocence lost. The greatness of children in the words of Jesus. The clergy prop. Imagination: the gift of God to exploit.
Epostle.net – https://epostle.net
Next Step #423 – A second listen
Matthew 18:1-14
Harry Chapin 
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
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Next Step #713: Bridges between bitterness and sweetness: how to build them and how to cross them, in this episode. A series of coincidences or blessings that lead to “Lessons from Grandma.” Celebrating a miracle bigger than the one at the Red Sea! A quick first look at “The Zealot Gene.”
St. Sarkis, San Diego Consecration
St. Sarkis – photographed 
Armenian America online – Priest of the People
The Zealot Gene
Cover: Bittersweet, thecapturedgarden.com
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
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Before Refrigeration

Next Step with Fr. Vazken #699: Adopting the Cross and Jesus from Biblical times and now: clues to the adoption process. The danger of Revelation and the nonsense of non-denominationalism. Gorbachev’s revelation. Halloween, death, and afterlife before and after refrigeration units. Beginning the process of extracting media from SM. And… answering the questions should Uma have been Yvonne?
Loving as your son: St. Joseph’s example
Purgatory Concept from Maccabees
In Step with Christ: Halloween, Masks and Saints
Few Minutes with Der Hayr (1994): Halloween and Fear
Vernacular Verbose Special ed. 
Vitamin String Quartet
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
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Fossil Uncovers The News

Next Step with Fr. Vazken #684: “Out of the mouths of babes” comes a question with a profound answer: Life after death for the Christian. Remember Yellow Pages? Claimed as the “original search engine” is also the original pay-to-create news service: Deciphering through some of the religious “competition.” Apostolic vs. Gregorian.
Are all “Brands” the Same?
Nicene Creed
Phonebook visual
Peter Gabriel on Djivan Gasparyan
The Passion of the Christ
The Last Temptation of Christ movie
Djivan Gasparyan on Armeniapedia
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
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Post-God Authority

Next Step #679: Finding authority in a post-God world. Defining boundaries and parameters for defining Christ, Christianity and real magic. A look at life after cancer, plus 10: Crutches, friendship and family. A humbling look at the ego. Wrapping up 13 years of podcasting: the virtual church.
Forty Days to Healing by Fr. Vazken
60 Minutes: UFOs regular sighting by military
WD168 this week
Parik Nazarian Cycle of Life and on Cycle of Life on Amazon
Cover: Sunset over Redwood Shores, Fr. Vazken 2021
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
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McKenzie and the Lonely People

Next Step #660: Fr. McKenzie wipes his hands at the grave and who was saved? A look at funeral, death and ultimately life. Nothing morbid about this discussion, it’s about a healthy look (yes with tears!) at death. Sending the soul back to its maker with prayers and reflections – it’s an Armodox approach. No touching during the pandemic: And now the Lonely People. Entitlement and Salvation. Challenger Disaster, 35 years ago. The gen-gen generation.
Challenger Disaster: 35 year ago
Ronald Reagan on the Challenger Disaster
No Death at this Funeral: Next Step #98
WD168 at Year 1
Fr Vazken/Divine Liturgy this week
John Bilezikjian “Zepuri Nman”
Engineered by Ken Nalik
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
Look for The Next Step on blubrry.com
Listen via Stitcher Radio on demand! 

Light Reset

Next Step #603: Christmas and Christmas Eve: Finding the light of the Christ Child at the manger and in the darkness of life today. (From Christmas Eve homily.) Other topics: St. Stephen, really? New life of old tech. Solstice to Christmas: The Sun/Son experience. Armenian-Hawaiian experience for in-laws.
Pentatonix “Hark the Herald Angels”
Armenian Christmas vs American Christmas
AC101: Christmas
Cover: Coke Reset Blue Screen – 2015 Fr. Vazken
Engineered by Ken Nalik
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
Look for The Next Step on blubrry.com
Listen via Stitcher Radio on demand! 

Memento Mori

Next Step #596: It’s debatable whether or not he who dies with the most toys wins; however, what is not up for discussion is that he who dies with the most toys, still dies! Two biographies – one of the Gambler Kirk Kerkorian and the other, Apple & Pixar CEO Steve Jobs, are the backdrops for this week’s Next Step: Memento Mori. Up close and personal, here’s Fr. Vazken’s personal journey as he discusses living with the lie of reconciling the virtual with reality and how that journey has led to the doorstep of Armodoxy. Outreach vs. inreach ministry: how to survive on principles and moving from the end-time obsession to living for the day.
Alan Hovhaness “The Prayer of St. Gregory
Steve Jobs” Walter Isaacson
The Gambler” Kirk Kerkorian
Window View of the Armenian Church
Serenity Prayer – Reinhold Niebuhr
Center of Attention (Armenian)
Timex Sinclair
Atheists in Foxholes
Cover: Cups Fr. Vazken 2010
Engineered by Ken Nalik
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for http://InHisShoes.org
Look for The Next Step on blubrry.com
Listen via Stitcher Radio on demand! 

Social Waste

Next Step #533: The Coptic pope orders monks and himself off social media after a bishop’s murder: Lessons on waste of life and purity. The power of turning OFF. Challenging limits of critical mass in bringing about change. The Courage to Be: Anxiety of Death and Fate and the answers. Proper aligning of the self with the technology.
Hayastani Aghchigner: Mariam Matossian
Coptic Pope on Social Media Ban
The Courage to Be
Pre-Nebraska Read
Catholicos Vazken I Scrapbook
Photo: Stillness of Death, Fr. Vazken 2018
Engineered by Ken Nalik
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
Subscribe to In His Shoes » Next Step with Fr. Vazken by Email
Look for The Next Step on blubrry.com
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