Entries by Vazken Movsesian

Okay to Live

Armodoxy for Today: Okay to Live This week was an okay week in Armodoxy. We said it was okay to think, to question, to doubt and to have fun, and to top it off, today, we confirm it all by saying, it’s okay to live! To live! It seems like a given, doesn’t it. No […]

Okay to Have Fun

Armodoxy for Today: Okay to have fun What’s the difference between a church and a library? Most people will be quick to make a comparison to the quietness of both environments. In a library, silence is golden and whispers are rare, while in a church, quiet prayers fill the air. The atmosphere of quiet solitude […]

Okay to Doubt

Armodoxy for Today: Okay to Doubt A week after Jesus had resurrected, the Apostle Thomas stands out from the group of Disciple by doubting the Resurrection. He is not with the others when Jesus appears and when they try to convince him that they have seen the “Risen Lord” he doubts their word. “Unless I […]

Okay to Question

Armodoxy for Today: OK to Question Quick, think fast: Who was your favorite teacher in school? Who were the teachers from whom you learned the most? Chance are they were not the straight lecturer, who sat you down, infused your brain with knowledge and then dismissed you 50 minutes later at the end of the […]

No Checked Brain: Think

Armodoxy for Today: Okay to Think Since 2008 I have been producing a podcast called “The Next Step.” Each episode is approximately one-hour long, that looks at trends in life through the lens of Armenian Orthodoxy. While I comment about different issues of faith and life, I always try to leave the audience with something […]

Bible Listening and Where?

Armodoxy for Today: Since when Bible Reading? Social media is full of one-liners that are thrown out like bait, to either catch your attention at the least and to reel you in at the most. Recently I was reeled in, “Don’t ever say, ‘Bible-reading is for monks; am I making my child a monk?’ No! […]

Now add Palms to the Mix

Armodoxy for Today: Palms at Christmas Madison Avenue, is a street in New York City where many advertising agencies have offices and in the past, much of what we consumed was dictated by the cues sent to us from Madison Avenue. Today more elite methods are used, methods that melt us down to mathematical formulas […]

Paying Back Mad Men

Armodoxy for Today: Christmas in July The ad came by mail, with my home address on label, though my name was shortened to Occupant. It was one of the few things that still came to me by mail. Red and green writing over a picture of a big poinsettia plant. The writing was in block […]

Hope Amidst the Violence

Armodoxy for Today: Keep Dreaming Political name calling took a quick and sudden break this weekend with the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. While at a campaign rally, a bullet from would-be assassin, ripped through candidate Trump’s ear and left the country, and the world, asking the questions that follow: How can this […]