Dreaming Vision

Dreaming Vision

Next Step #792 – May 25, 2024 – Expanding with Epostle as we hit the 12,000+ mark. Stories of evangelization from the Apple days and exploiting the technology for evangelizing Epostle-style. Remembering Darfur in 2008, coming from the Aurora Awards. Two octogenarians vying for the presidency, share a vision, meanwhile the young give their lives in war – those remembered at Memorial Day. First glance and unheard: A Palestinian Armenian speaks from the war zone in Israel, walking the talk. And much more…
Michio Kaku – Quantum Supremacy
Palestinian Armenian Speaks from the war zone
Pope Francis on 60 Minutes
Aurora Prize
IHS 2008 Man of the Year: Gabriel Stauring
Lala Abgaryan seeks justice for sister tortured by Azeris
Jackie Evancho Dream with Me
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for http://Epostle.net
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Cover: Luna & Gregory Beylerian, 2023

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