Tag Archive for: Dream

Dreaming Vision

Dreaming Vision

Next Step #792 – May 25, 2024 – Expanding with Epostle as we hit the 12,000+ mark. Stories of evangelization from the Apple days and exploiting the technology for evangelizing Epostle-style. Remembering Darfur in 2008, coming from the Aurora Awards. Two octogenarians vying for the presidency, share a vision, meanwhile the young give their lives in war – those remembered at Memorial Day. First glance and unheard: A Palestinian Armenian speaks from the war zone in Israel, walking the talk. And much more…
Michio Kaku – Quantum Supremacy
Palestinian Armenian Speaks from the war zone
Pope Francis on 60 Minutes
Aurora Prize
IHS 2008 Man of the Year: Gabriel Stauring
Lala Abgaryan seeks justice for sister tortured by Azeris
Jackie Evancho Dream with Me
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for http://Epostle.net
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Cover: Luna & Gregory Beylerian, 2023

Child’s Hope (Yet)

Armodoxy for Today: Child’s Hope

I had an interesting conversation with a young girl the other day, about the number of fingers on certain drawings. This 10-year-old had come with her mother to volunteer for the food distribution at the shelter. She had brought with her some paints and brushes for the kids there and we began to discuss the intricacies of drawing the human hand. I noted that cartoon characters have four fingers, and she was quick to one better me, by telling me about a character who had three fingers on his hand.

I asked who was the character? She answered, “It’s science fiction. It’s not real, yet.”

Indeed, that “yet” implied hope and faith in the future.  That “yet” is what keeps people dreaming, believing, and creating.

We haven’t visited another planet yet. They haven’t discovered the cure, yet.

Our world hasn’t achieved peace, yet. Dream, believe and create. Today’s one-minute for standard time.

“Out of the mouth of babes hast thou ordained strength,” cites Jesus. (Matthew 21:16)