Tag Archive for: War

Hope Amidst the Violence

Armodoxy for Today: Keep Dreaming

Political name calling took a quick and sudden break this weekend with the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. While at a campaign rally, a bullet from would-be assassin, ripped through candidate Trump’s ear and left the country, and the world, asking the questions that follow: How can this happen? Why did this happen?

I flashed back to the third-grade classroom, vividly remembering my teacher, Mrs. Pharis, rushing into the room to tell us, “Boys and girls, put your heads on the desk and pray. President Kennedy has been shot!” No, we weren’t in parochial school and yes, she did ask us to pray in a public school with no backlash. The year was 1963 and we were just recovering from World War II, the Korean War, the McCarthy era and were about to enter the era of uncertainty, with the assassinations Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., Robert Kennedy, and attempts on Presidents Ford and Reagan. Vietnam, Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Bosnia became worlds within our world where conflict and war propelled these nations to our news feeds, giving us opportunities to weigh in with opinions without us ever understanding the full extent of their pain and suffering. Here we are several decades after those events of the last century, dealing yet another assassination attempt and the reality of hundreds and thousands dying daily in attacks in wars and genocide globally.

The world changes quickly, sometimes with a bullet invading the body, sometimes with troops invading a country. Finding hope and a belief in a brighter tomorrow at times – most – seems difficult, if not impossible. Hope is what keeps us dreaming of better tomorrows.

The Gospel reading this week in our churches comes from Matthew 18, where Jesus challenges his disciples to imagine God’s response to the violence we witness. “What do you think?” he asks, “If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying? And if he should find it, assuredly, I say to you, he rejoices more over that sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray. Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.”

God is merciful. He is saddened by our inability to live in harmony and is forever hopeful of our return, to understand one another and live under the commandment to love.

We pray for victims, our world situation, and we pray for hope, so that we can keep dreaming.

Let us pray, “Lord Jesus, hope of the humanity, keep hope alive within me as I see the evil around me. Give strength to those affected by the bullets and bombs of evil, so that they may overcome the obstacles before them, and continue to dream of better tomorrows. Amen.

Cover photo: Envato Elements

Other Wars

Armodoxy for today: Other wars

Continuing on the theme expressed yesterday, as to how we are conditioned for war, we point to a phenomenon that continues to breed war. It is the phenomenon of leading with a stale vision. This year, this phenomenon is even more accentuated with the presidential elections here in the United States. The two leading contenders for the position have lived the good part of eight decades and are now “sharing their vision for the future” vying for votes. What vision and for what future?

This not only true in the United States, but a quick glance around the globe and you’ll see its usually older men who engage in wars that the young ones fight. We hide behind the concept of funding wars, while shipping off kids to fight those wars.

Jesus came to the world to challenge the stale visions with an option for life.  “Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice,’” (Matthew 9) says Jesus, to a world that is desperate for a vision, a vision which is articulated by love and its manifestations, such as mercy.

Today we fund wars throughout the world based on stale visions which propagate more hatred and more war. Death, disease, famine instead of life, health and wealth. Think of the billions of dollars that can be used to fight larger wars, such as housing and sheltering homeless populations or transferring flood waters to areas devastated by drought or exploring new innovations in medicine and technology to improve the quality of life. Yes, life, health and wealth.

We read in Proverbs, “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” (29) In fact, the stale vision of war is literally and figuratively a one-way ticket to death, hence Jesus words, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” It is the direction of a life which follows a vision of faith, love and hope.

As the Body of Christ, the Church, has a responsibility and duty to continue to herald the vision for peace. This a sacred calling which is pronounced by God and heeded by humanity.

We end today with a prayer by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. O God, we thank you for the lives of great saints and prophets in the past, who have revealed to us that we can stand up amid the problems and difficulties and trials of life and not give in. We thank you for our foreparents, who’ve given us something in the midst of the darkness of exploitation and oppression to keep going. Grant that we will go on with the proper faith and the proper determination of will, so that we will be able to make a creative contribution to this world. In the name and spirit of Jesus we pray. Amen.

The Weapon

Armodoxy for Today: The Weapon

War is a political action. It’s as old as the hills. It has become a means by which people resolve their differences. We are conditioned to believe and understand that, albeit it is an extreme measure, war resolves conflicts once and for all. We appeal to weapons, building stronger and more powerful weapons to overcome adversity and our enemies. The bigger and more powerful the weapon, we think, the more we are guaranteed victory. And so, along with the quest for peace, we are on an ever-growing exploration for bigger and more explosive weapons.

Jesus Christ presents us a weapon of sorts, namely Love. Oh yes, we pay homage to love, saying it’s what makes the world go around. All you need is love! We dedicate song, poems, novels, movies, monasteries and churches to love, and attest to its awesome power, but when it comes to weaponizing against our enemies, we have no faith in love-power and instead opt for instruments of destruction.

We’ve been conditioned, not only during our childhood as people, but as a civilization, through historical lesson, to believe that war is the solution. Reality check: wars are fought, and no one wins. Sure, a battle is won here or there, but no one wins wars. In the end, loser of the battle only builds resentment and anger, to come back another day for “settle the score.”

Furthermore, war gives the illusion that certain life is more important than other life. Women and children are called on first to evacuate, as if the life of boys and men are of less value. Soldiers are drafted or enlist, and when they don their uniform they are fair game, as if their mother or father will not cry when the announcement arrives that their baby is gone.

Over the weekend, four Israeli hostages were rescued, but the cost of the operation killed over 200 Palestinians and hospitalized four times that amount, adding to the narrative that some lives, some groups, some people are more valuable than others.

There is a higher idea and a better weapon to overcome our enemies.

If you contend that God is the author of life, then you have to admit that all life is precious to God. There are no hierarchies of people for God, as Jesus instructs. We, people, have created disparities. We author wars and are responsible for ending war.

The words of Jesus are clear:  “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5)

Aging Vision

Armodoxy for Today: Aging Vision

Today’s message is prompted by a radio news caster who reported, “The two presidential candidates are campaigning this weekend, sharing their vision for the future.”

Here in the United States it is election year. The candidates from the two major parties are well seasoned, in their golden years, or plainly, up in years. One is over 80 years old and the other is not too far behind. And they’re out about the country, “sharing their vision for the future.”

You must wonder, and at least I did, what vision? And what future? These octogenarians might have wisdom from living their lives, but are they entitled to set a vision for the future of the children?

Most casualties during war – battle-time fatalities – are to kids between the ages of 17 and 25. In Armenia, one of the most sobering moments you’ll experience is at Yrablur, near Yerevan, where tri-colored flags fly over the graves of soldiers of the 44 day war of 2020 and the battles with Azeris since then.

We may call them soldiers, but they are young kids who will never get older, kids who were called up to fight because of someone’s vision to fight fire with fire.

Here in the United States, we have a day set aside every year, in May, to remember those who paid the ultimate price for freedom. We call that day Memorial Day. For the parents and families of these children thrown into war, every day is a recurring nightmare called Memorial Day.

The future belongs to the young. With all due respect for our matured senior citizens and the wisdom they have acquired during their lifetime, I have to ask, have we created a world so great that we have the audacity to set a vision for the future of these children? How about asking them? What is their “vision of the future”? What are we afraid of? That they may say they’d like to enjoy life? That they may want to live without the fear of violence? That they may want a world that is free of the pollutant of hate and intolerance? That they may find a way to negotiate understanding?

We remember the sacrifice made by all those who laid their life down for something greater, whether for the ideal of freedom or the safety of their loved ones. May God rest their souls. We also take time to articulate a new vision, one for peace. In the words of His Holiness Pope Francis, “Please. Countries at war, all of them, stop the war. Look to negotiate. Look for peace.” (CBS 60 Minutes 5/19/24)

We end with a simple prayer, one which articulates the vision of God expressed on the night of our Lord Jesus’ birth: Peace on Earth, good will toward one another. Amen.

Cover: Yrablur by Luna & Gregory Beylerian, 2023

Dreaming Vision

Dreaming Vision

Next Step #792 – May 25, 2024 – Expanding with Epostle as we hit the 12,000+ mark. Stories of evangelization from the Apple days and exploiting the technology for evangelizing Epostle-style. Remembering Darfur in 2008, coming from the Aurora Awards. Two octogenarians vying for the presidency, share a vision, meanwhile the young give their lives in war – those remembered at Memorial Day. First glance and unheard: A Palestinian Armenian speaks from the war zone in Israel, walking the talk. And much more…
Michio Kaku – Quantum Supremacy
Palestinian Armenian Speaks from the war zone
Pope Francis on 60 Minutes
Aurora Prize
IHS 2008 Man of the Year: Gabriel Stauring
Lala Abgaryan seeks justice for sister tortured by Azeris
Jackie Evancho Dream with Me
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for http://Epostle.net
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Cover: Luna & Gregory Beylerian, 2023

War Protest: Opportunity Eclipsed

War Protest: Opportunity Eclipsed

Next Step #791 – May 5, 2024 – The War in Gaza, a nightmare echoing the words, Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing. Famine is fueled by hatred. The world stands still and even worse, so do those who have seen the same nightmare. Fr. Vazken takes about opportunities lost and the importance of articulating a statement of protest, for the sake of record and moral authority. Firsthand observation of the Eclipse from Uvalde and the Sign of the Cross. Overwhelmed reaction in the birthing room and at the eclipse – God’s perfection. Discussed: the eye for an eye maximum, college protests, a Maturity of Faith. Orthodox Easter, Cinco de Mayo and the Weakest Link.
Uvalde – Eclipse 2024
College Protests of the War
Eclipsed Relevance – April 6 Next Step
Tooth as the Maximum Next Step
Niebuhr’s Prayer (Serenity) 
49 Bye-Byes/America’s Song
CSNY – Four Way Street
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for http://Epostle.net
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Buying into the Myth

Buying into the Myth

Next Step with Fr. Vazken #790 – April 29, 2024 – College campus protests flare up regarding Israel’s attacks in Gaza, while Armenian Genocide commemorations take buy into the myth of victimization. Here’s Fr. Vazken’s post-April 24 assessment of disappointments and challenges. Walking in the shoes of others as an answer. Epostle sets up in the metaverse.

Leveraging Love is the next step
College campus protests
USC on lockdown
Fr. Vazken’s Speech at UCLA
Universal Soldier
Universal Soldier Video
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for http://Epostle.net
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The Beat of the Church

Next Step #788 – March 21, 2024 – An experiment on the streets of Glendale is about to come to an end, or at least will be put on hold. The Youth Ministry which began in 2003 is having its building sold from under it. Finding an alternative to political solutions to war and conflict. Fr. Datev Tatoulian is buried in Armenia. Fear in Armenia vs. Fear of the Random. Listening to the beat of the church.

Fr. Datev Tatoulian
Notes from a priest’s funeral
Lenten Journey re: Sunday
Reclaim 2024
20 Years Ago Series Opener
Blackmore’s Night
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for http://Epostle.net
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Scenes from Nor Hadjin Church and Fr. Datev’s Burial

Cover: Envato Elements

Tooth is a Maximum, not Teeth

A Tooth for a tooth is the maximum sentence

Next Step with Fr. Vazken #787 – February 19, 2024 – The disconnect between what is being preached and what we go through every day. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth are the maximums; in Gaza its about pulling all the teeth. News, what to do with it? Unshaken is not unchangeable. Value of Church attendance: It’s not about God. “Won’t slow down” is nothing new for us as its “Better to burn out than it is to rust.”
Next Step #229 Abstract to the Tangible – epostle
Israel before the UN Court
Lenten Sunday Videos
Wind Pushing Boeing Airplane 787 
Reclaim Conference
Lenten and Spiritual Messages
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for http://Epostle.net
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Cover: Envato Elements

Psalm 37: Impossible Reconciliation with War

Next Step #784 – November 23, 2023 – Thanksgiving edition at the beginning of Advent and in the middle of a war. Discussed in this episode: The impossible the reconciliation of Psalm 37 with war. Power, Horseys and the meek. Armodoxy Delivers: Religion with practical application, connecting the dots in life today, not in the future. The Three fundamental questions: leaving God to deal with those things we can’t forces us to take up what is in our hands, namely peace and understanding. Religion and its application.
Advent 50 Series – Essential Teaching of Jesus
Psalm 37
An invite Christians Can’t Ignore
No atheists in birthing rooms
Thank U Very Much, The Scaffold Song
Cover: Envato Elements
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for http://Epostle.net
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