Dust goes by
Next Step with Fr. Vazken #696: What really lasts forever? From our Dust in the Wind Department: Sears closes Illinois office. Lessons for the Church. Catholicos Karekin II meets with Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Books to be held: “Humanity During War” by Ezras Tellalian. The Tale of Two Babies – a metaphor for today and the grander-tomorrow. From our mixed shoes department: “They were Chris’, not mine.”
Tale of Two Babies
Everything Must Go (at Sears)
Catholicos meets with Pope
Pope’s visit to Armenia (2016) NS#490
Humanity During War
Fr. Vazken on Humanity During War
Chris Brown / In His Shoes
Kansas: Dust in the Wind
Put Your Hand in the Hand
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
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