Tag Archive for: theology

Deciphering the Hymn

Armodoxy for Today: Deciphering the Hymn

The Theology of the Armenian Apostolic, and therefore Orthodox, Church is embedded in its hymns. The hymn, referred to as Sharagan, holds a wealth of ancient wisdom that is a treasury preserved for us from the time of Christ. Over a thousand hymns are compiled into a book called the Sharagnots, which describes the fellowship between God and His creation.

Access to the Sharagnots is complicated by the language in which the hymns are written, and while there are translations from the Classical Armenian to the colloquial language and even to non-Armenian languages, the mystical flavor of the Church is tied in with the melodies of the chants as well as the sacred environment where they have taken form. Inside of a monastery or a church, within the incense filled space and candle-smoked walls, the words of the shargans dance to the rhythms of monastics vocal cords and theology is deciphered and delivered holistically.

The last sharagan was written in 2015, at the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Armenian Genocide. On April 24, 2015, the martyrs of the Genocide were canonized and are referred to as a Saints.

The translation of the Sharagan, opens a window into the understanding of the martyrs as saints.

“Astonished and appalled were the heavenly armies and with terror were petrified,” begins the sharagan, and continues to describe the desecration of God’s holiness by using the unique and singular pointer of Eden to Armenia.

“The nations upon seeing the ancient Eden, changed into the scene and arena of fire, blazing like Hell, of the passion of Cain, and the new sacrifice of this new Abel, whose blood speaks forever.

The Sharagan ends with the question posed earlier by the Psalmist and be humankind for millennia, “Sovereign Lord, holy and true! How long will it be until You judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”

Let us pray, Lord our God, allow me to celebrate the Mystery of Life, with my soul, my voice, and all my senses. Help me as I accept Your invitation to follow with my heart and accordingly decipher the instruction of Love. Amen.

Bushel Basket

Next Step with Fr. Vazken #700: Celebrating a miracle unlike any other. Claiming priorities, a nicer way of expressing biases sets the direction of your path. Alec Baldwin’s accidental bullet, investigations and missing investigations from bullets sold to kill. Armodoxy today: removing from under the bushel basket. Hans Küng – theologian and priest – a missed passing (1928-2021).
Hans Küng
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Alec Baldwin
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Armen Chakmakian
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
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Changing Lens

Next Step with Fr. Vazken #687: An interview with Ani Shahinian, candidate in History and Theology at the University of Oxford. Hear her articulate the teachings (vadapetutyiun) of the Armenian Church as expressed through a group of doctors of the church. Switching political lens for religious, here is an understanding of identity through Scripture, Culture and Tradition. Shahinian brings energy and knowledge that will inspire the listener to learn more about the amazing Christian Faith of the Armenian Church.
Ani Shahinian
WD168 this week
Komitas: Ten Revelation Artsruni
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
Listen via Stitcher Radio on demand!
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Human Rights: Jesus and today’s response

Next Step #641: Was Jesus concerned with human rights? Armodoxy for the day: Fr. Vazken challenges the listener to move from a future faith to a terrestrial one. A quick look at theologians – traditional and liberal, eastern and western and their missing voice today. The Kingdom of God is within and without you: The supernatural affecting our lives today. 2020, beyond the tragedies: A call to activism from Jesus’ mission.
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Governors who Govern
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Preface to the Next Step” (2007)
Cover: “The Night Sam was born” Fr. Vazken 2002Engineered by Ken Nalik
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
Look for The Next Step on blubrry.com
Listen via Stitcher Radio on demand!

Plastic: Molding Faith

Next Step #638: As the political atmosphere heats up with elections two months away, religion, particularly Christianity, comes into question as politicians justify actions and policy with a wide variety of departures on theology. Fr. Vazken offers a primer on politics and the use of religion, finding the grey matter between the black and white, conservative and liberal. Qualifying politicians by the Christian scale: the plasticity of the faith to conform to the world and an Armodoxy look.
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WD168 this week
Armodoxy Blogspot
In His Shoes
Plastic Man Wiki
Cover: PM/No.1 Fr. Vazken 1966
Technical Director: Ken Nalik
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
Look for The Next Step on blubrry.com
Listen via Stitcher Radio on demand!