Tag Archive for: web 3.0

First Step in the Metaverse

Next Step #740: Is it real or is it the metaverse? Perhaps both? The first step in the metaverse is the next step, as we prepare for the launch of Epostle.net and Web 3.0 experiences, Fr. Vazken takes this step and shares some thoughts along the path. Rotary phones, LSD, algorithms and creating worlds – controlling and resting some of the fears and apprehensions of the unknown. Tom Edison usurping the light from God? More…
Here comes the Metaverse, Are we Ready?
How the metaverse affects us
Captain Crunch and the AT&T hack
Rotary Phone & 17 year old
Joni Mitchell
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org and Epostle.net
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