Tag Archive for: fatalism

Independence means Responsibility

Armodoxy for Today: Independence Means Responsibility

On this day in 1776, the Thirteen Colonies of the British Empire signed the Declaration of Independence making them the thirteen United States of America. The document has been revered internationally for its eloquence in proclaiming the basic human right of self-determination. Herein is the tie with religion in general and with the Christianity in particular.

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another,” begins the Declaration. The document is a masterpiece which talks about self-governance, and consequently, the case for personal responsibility, because there is no one else to blame but yourself for your actions.

A child who is caught doing something wrong, passes the buck onto a friend, a sibling or perhaps even exclaiming, “The devil made me do it.” To believe in predestination means that your actions are predetermined by some higher power. The expression “written in the stars,” is commonly used and in Armenian, the word “jakatagir” is used for “fate” because it literally means “written on your forehead.” There is no escape from this fate, for it is written beforehand! And therefore, what mistakes or evil you do is not your fault. You are not accountable because you had no choice to do otherwise.

Christianity rejects fatalism. You are indeed responsible for your actions. Over and over again Jesus teaches lessons on personal accountability and responsibility. He speaks about forgiveness and repentance because these require the acceptance of responsibility for actions.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident,” continues the Declaration, “That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”

Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, are identified as gifts from God, and to exploit these gifts is done with the consent of the people.

Today, we celebrate freedom as a gift from God along with a reminder that these ideas were etched in the Declaration of Independence a quarter of a millennium ago and are still being pursued. The celebration of the oldest continuous democracy, the United States, is an opportunity for us contemplate the divine gift of life in all of its ramifications. Take time to read the parables of Jesus. He instructs us to live life, to enjoy the freedom granted to us by God, so that we may enjoy this life in the pursuit of happiness.

Let us pray, Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of life and the freedom to choose the direction of our life. Open our eyes to the beauty of life so that we may better appreciate the wonders of freedom that are granted to us. May we be moved to action as directed by our Lord Jesus. Amen.

Personal Responsibility

Armodoxy for Today: Personal Responsibility

Late one night, as I was getting ready to turn in, the phone rang. It was early-on in my ministry. Later on I learned that there’s something about the inconvenient hours that seem to coincide with these types of calls. It was one of my parishioners, asking if I come down to the hospital to offer a prayer for her husband, Marty, who was taken in by ambulance.

I got in my car and drove cross-town to a San Jose hospital, not knowing what to expect. The call was a quick one, not enough time to ask for details.

At the hospital’s reception area, I asked for the patient by name and they directed me to the intensive care unit. I made my way through the hallways and found the doors to the ICU. Just next to it was the waiting room for the family members. The patient’s wife, Rose, stood up and came running over to me. She gave me a big bear hug and between the tears she scratched out a few words, “Why did God take him away?”

I was late, at least that’s how I understood this scene. Did I mention it was early on in my ministry? I went into the ICU where Marty’s breathless body lay on a hospital bed. With Rose and the family around, we offered a prayer for his soul and covered the body with the bed sheet.

Why did God take him away? Her question haunted me at that moment and for years to come. At the moment I almost crumbled under the weight of the question. I felt as if I needed to give an answer. She was asking me to defend God! Why did God take him away?

We spent some time in the ICU – an environment that is very conducive for pastoral counselling, and yes, people look at the priest as one who can and will answer for God. It was sometime later that I understood that God doesn’t need defending. He can take care of Himself quite well. Thank you very much. But even that night, on my way back home I came to realize the God factor is merely a comfort for the family. God is a catch-all, a way of passing along the pain off of yourself. The reality was that Marty was quite a large man, up in age, struggling with diabetes, and had a three-pack-a-day smoking habit. Perhaps God did “take him away” but the circumstances around his death point to something more earthly and more personally controllable.

One of the many criticisms of religion is that it eschews personal responsibility from the practitioner. It is a problem that becomes even more accented with personal saviors and the deities that control our actions as if we were pieces in a cosmic chess game.

We believe that each of us is endowed with Free Will, and as such, we create our own lives, our own destinies, so to speak. We eschew the term destiny because as long as you – we – have the ability to do otherwise, responsibility for our lives is not destined, whether by God or by the stars, or cards, or anything outside of our selves.

And it follows that on the basis of personal responsibility, judgement takes place. Through the Gospels, Jesus invites us to take responsibility for our lives. He points to the beauty of life in his parables, a beauty that is manifest in our willingness to engage with life.

In this season of the Asdvadzadzin, let us continue with the John 15 discourse about the vine and branches. The operative word to listen for is “if” – that “if” is defined by our free will,

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit… By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples. As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.” (John 15:5-13)

Metaphysical Paralysis

Next Step #412: From accidents to determinism, the factors that defy fatalism make for a background to a metaphysical analysis. The aftermath and afterglow of 101 years and counting. Political myth and hype that keeps the masses entertained. Opportunities missed and the next step.
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100 Year Journey trailer
100 Year Journey virtual tour: www.100yearjourney.org
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Cover Photo: “Hanging at Micky D’s on the 24th” by Fr. Vazken, 2016
Engineered by Ken Nalik
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
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