Tag Archive for: MLK

A New Era of Hope


Next Step #32 – January 22, 2009

A fitting end to the Martin Luther King tribute, this podcast commemorates one of Dr. King’s children who was “judged by the content of his character.” Barack Obama becomes the 44th president of the United States; hope is defined as believing in a dream come true. Fr. Vazken discusses the prayers at inauguration and isn’t it a “no duh” that Jesus’ name would come up? Rev. J. Lowery’s poetic benediction is highlighted here. PREMIER installment of Global Perspective with Hratch Tchilingirian looks at Gaza and innocence lost.


Spiritual Bubbles topic: Obama’s Address on Hope

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Two Kindred Spirits Separated By Millennia


Next Step #31 – January 14, 2009

John the Baptist and Martin Lurther King Jr. are two giants – one a Biblical figure, the other contemporary, yet they serve the same God and the same Lord. What is the legacy left by these ushers of the Way? Fr. Vazken brings together the work and mission that has driven these people to point the way to Christ. They stood up courageously against the power structure, urging peace, justice, and love, even unto death, and thus became martyrs for their unwavering preaching of the Kingdom of God.

Also, a look at the life and ministry of Fr. Mesrob Sarafian, an archpriest of the Armenian Church who went to his eternal rest this week. Notes from Oakland California, including an emotive reading from his funeral rite.

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