Dawn Reset
Next Step with Fr. Vazken #714: Pressing the Reset button on life: Overcoming the fear of living. Selling the product: Super Bowl to church. Scanning the news from international, to national to local: can we connect the dots? Russian, Ukraine, Iran, the US and a 34:18 bet. Expertise through the Internet and other absurd notions about brake repair. Finding your talent, your gift and purpose in life. Symbols: Valentine, Sarkis and Love.
Parable of the Talents
Abp. Torkom “Impossible Love”
Superbowl Advertising
Superbowl Ticket prices
Precursor to Mindfulness
Gor’s Spirit Album
Gor Mkhitarian
Cover: Charlie’s candles, Feb 10, 2022
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
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