Paradigm Shift
Next Step with Fr. Vazken #725: The change is happening. Did you feel the latest paradigm shift? Begin with a shift of focus: Commemorating the Armenian Genocide, from remembrance to a day of life. Defining moments in history – all too many and all too often – the build up of anxiety. Editorial boards, content and the Gospel narrative. Globalization and the Church. Baptism: An expression of life and new life in the middle of death. The paradigm shift is in Armodoxy – Apostolic, not ethnic, and the advantage of being nestled.
Baptism on April 24: Life (News broadcast)
April 24, 2022 Divine Liturgy and Baptism
“A Secret for Dreaming” – the Montebello Monument experience, first hand
Fr. Vazken’s “99” speech at the Monument, Montebello
Globalization and the Armenian Church (with HH Karekin II)
Gregory Beylerian’s Highland Revolution
Cover: Word Art: Paradigm Shift 2022
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
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