Imagine Below the Horizon
Next Step #372: The forgotten name of Jesus and the forgotten message of love. Ezekiel and the forgotten “Sin of Sodom.” More on same-sex marriage as well as on the His Holiness project – from the caveman who saw the first lightening strike and the loss of his love to today. The “Universal Network” of politics, economics, religion, psychology, biology, philosophy and art – the challenge to connect the dots. The message of the angels.
“Tsitsernak” by Arax
ACT #10x on Same Sex Marriage
Dr. Harry Hagopian’s blog
“Universal Network”
Torkom Saraydarian “Symphony of the Sunset”
Lacy Park Statue
Ezekiel 16:49
Picture: “Imagine Below the Horizon” by Fr. Vazken Movsesian
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