Between a Rock and a Soft Place
Next Step #56 – July 1, 2009
When Jesus was asked for a “sign” he offered nothing new. He only pointed to something that was “greater than” the signs. Here’s a casual look at symbols. In the wake of Michael Jackson’s death, Fr. Vazken looks into the ways information was processed, news was gathered, and the tools of technology to make our spirits come alive. The power of music – as expressed through Jackson and a surprisingly similar sound coming from Iran in the quest for freedom. The podcast ends with a special wish to America and the freedom it enjoys on this 233rd anniversary of Independence. Welcome back Gabriel from the Chad desert!
Songs: Sari Siroon Yar by Element Band; Miracles by Gor Mkhitarian
Bubbles with Ani – “The 1000 Mirrors”
The Next Step Theme Song is unveiled (composed and performed by Varoujan Movsesian)
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