Community, Organization and Change
Next Step #602: A conversation with Sophia Armen that moves from the US recognition of the Armenian Genocide to the fundamental existential issues of life. Listen in as this bright young scholar of ethnic studies, politics and Genocide matters shares insights about the passage of the resolution and the dynamics of protest to effectuate change. The forces of assimilation, discrimination, survival and the challenges for today.
John Bilezikjian Merry Christmas Album
Sophia Armen, L.A. Times
Senator Menendez Breaks Down on Genocide resolution announcement
Fr. Vazken on Advent (AC202)
Fr. Vazken on Christmas (AC101)
FLY – Freedom Loving Youth
Cover: “Reflections & Boundaries” Fr. Vazken 2019
Engineered by Ken Nalik
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for
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