Tag Archive for: Geghart

Muiron Blessed

Armodoxy for Today: Muiron Blessed

At some point oil becomes Muiron. For days, the oil has been absorbing the prayers and energy from Etchmiadzin and the sacred land in the shadow of the Biblical Mount Ararat. The Catholicos of All Armenians, with representatives of the hierarchical sees of Cilicia, Jerusalem, Constantinople and the Dioceses in Armenia and the Diaspora, now gather for the blessing. When the Catholicos mixes the Muiron from the previous batch to the oil, he then refers to the content of the cauldron as Muiron.

There are four sacred articles with which the Catholicos blesses the Muiron: The Holy Cross, The Gospel, the Lance, and the Relic of St. Gregory the Illuminator.

The Cross – Surb Khatch – which the Catholicos uses to bless the Muiron, sits in his hand. It is ornate and decorated with precious and semi-precious stones. It should be because it houses a piece of the Cross of Christ. The ornate shell or case in the shape of a cross was prepared for Catholicos Pilibos (Phillip) in the middle of the 17th century. St. Helena, the Mother of Emperor Constantine (4th century) is credited with finding the Cross of Christ at Golgotha. Several fragments of the Cross are kept at Holy Etchmiadzin.

The Gospel – the Holy Avedaran – refers to the first four books of the New Testament – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Here is documented the life, ministry, teaching and events in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. These books are housed in an ornate  metallic covering, and held by one of the assisting bishops.

The Lance – the Holy Geghart – was brought to Armenia by the Apostle Thaddeus. The Gospel of John (19:34) records that a Roman guard pierced the side of Jesus while he gasped on the Cross. Scripture records that blood and water spilled out. The name of the soldier is Longinus (from the Gospel of Nicodemus). Most tourists who visit Armenia visit the monastery of Geghart, which is carved out of a mountain. The Holy Geghart was kept there for centuries.

The Relic of St. Gregory the Illuminator – Loosavorchi ach – is a fragment of the bone from the right arm of the first Catholicos who blessed the first batch of Muiron after Armenian’s acceptance of Christianity in 301 A.D. The relic is housed inside a life size gold arm, which the Catholicos lifts, stretch across Cauldron, blessing the Muiron and then blessing the people.

We pray today, a prayer from the Blessing of the Holy Muiron, Christ, our God, You are a sweet aroma to those who believe in You, and to those who are connected to You through Your love. Through Your love for humanity, You have welcomed us into the eternal habitats, and You make us worthy to work for You, with all of our senses, all the days of our life. Lord, fill us with the gifts of that sweet smell, and place within us the graces of the Holy Spirit. Allow us to stand before You clean and without blemish. Amen.

Awe at Geghart

Geghartavank, or the monastery of Geghart, is unique because its wonder is felt only after you enter its doors. It is a monastery carved out of a mountain. Inside, different chambers are interconnected through narrow and low passageways. Geghart means “lance” or spear. In the Gospel of St. John 19:34 we read that as Jesus committed his spirit on the cross, the soldiers who were witnessing the crucifixion pierced his side with a lance to assure themselves Jesus was dead. That lance is kept by the Armenian Church to this day and is used to stir the Holy Miuron which is prepared every seven years, completing the mystical connection to the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ghevart monestery is named after the Holy Lance. and housed the Sacred object for centuries.

The monastery was a tourist stop even during Soviet times. During the Soviet rule over Armenia, it was common for tourists to visit Armenian monasteries as part of the cultural landscape. In other words, the religious significance of these sacred sites was diminished by the government, by presenting them as expressions of random creativity, not necessarily inspired by the Spirit. The Christian background was minimized, or even nullified, for the tourist in the official state narrative about churches and monasteries. Today, people flock there for curiosity, but more and more as a pilgrimage shrine to augment their faith.

A group of us arrived one morning to discover we had just missed a mini-concert by a cappella singers. Their repertoire included a few sharagans, or hymns of the Armenian Church, and a couple samplers from Gomidas Vartabed (early 20th century). We inquired when the next concert might take place and they told us it would be a bit later. Our group of nine pilgrims entered the cave at Geghartavank. We were alone. The Spirit moved us. We huddled together and sang a hymn, requesting God’s mercy, “Der Voghormia.”  The acoustics of the cave are such that, we, untrained vocalists, sounded amazing, so much so that the group of a cappella singers came back in as if to answer our prayer. They smiled and lined up in front of us. Taking out an electronic pitchfork, one of the singers gave the note and the others tuned into to produce a concert that was beyond anything we could have asked for, in fact, it was beyond what we could have imaged. It was renewing and invigorating, leaving us in tears, with full heart of contentment.

Sometimes it is best to pray and know that everything falls into place. These singers were angels who delivered the word of God in a manner that we could not have imagined. We weren’t expecting this concert, nor did we pray for it, but in our prayer of thanksgiving, a blessing of unproportionate size was delivered. Not everything needs to be articulated. Our thankfulness turned into awe.

Today, we remember this quote by Albert Einstein: The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead —his eyes are closed. The insight into the mystery of life, coupled though it be with fear, has also given rise to religion. To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms—this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness.

Cover: Luna & Gregory Beylerian, 2023

Angels of Geghart

Roots of Armodoxy: Angels of Geghart

Angels are all around us, if only we look. An angel is a messenger that shares God’s message of faith, hope and love with people. Several angels have had encounters with people, both in ancient times, in Biblical times, as well as today.

Vazken I, of blessed memory, the Catholicos of All Armenians from 1955 to 1994 was one such angel. During the harshest years of Soviet oppression and their hushing of the human spirit, many of the monasteries and churches in Armenia were forced to close their doors or limit their access to the people. The diplomacy of Catholicos Vazken, secured certain rights and functions of the church in the midst of targeted atheism. Some of his actions were meant to go under the Soviet radar, but for the most part, the church functioned, albeit in limited form, in full view of the government. He was a gifted and patient leader of the church who was loved by the people. Vazken I was an angel for nearly four decades passing along the faith, the hope for better days to come, and all with his compassion and example of love.

During the Soviet rule over Armenia, it was common for tourists to visit Armenian monasteries as part of the cultural landscape. In other words, the religious significance of these sacred sites was diminished by the government, by presenting them as expressions of random creativity, not necessarily inspired by the spirit. The Christian background was minimized, or even nullified, for the tourist in the official state narrative about churches and monasteries.

Geghartavank, or the monastery of Geghart, is unique because its wonder is felt only after you enter its doors. It is a monastery carved out of a mountain. Inside, different chambers are interconnected through narrow and low hallways. Geghart means “lance” or spear. In the Gospel of St. John 19:34 we read that as Jesus committed his spirit on the cross, the soldiers who were witnessing the crucifixion pierced his side with a lance to assure themselves Jesus was dead. That lance is kept by the Armenian Church to this day, and was originally kept at Geghartavank.

The monastery was a tourist stop even during Soviet times. Today, people flock there for curiosity, but more and more as a pilgrimage shrine to augment their faith.

We arrived one morning to discover a small group of a cappella singers had just concluded a mini-concert in one of the caves. Their repertoire included a few sharagans, or hymns of the Armenian Church, and a couple samplers from Gomidas Vartabed (early 20th century). We inquired when the next concert might take place and they told us it would be a bit later. Our group of nine pilgrims entered the cave at Geghartavank. We were alone. We huddled together and sang a hymn, requesting God’s mercy, “Der Voghormia.”  The acoustics of the cave are such that, we, untrained vocalists, sounded amazing, so much so that the group of a cappella singers came back in as if to answering a prayer. They smiled and lined up in front of us. Taking out an electronic pitchfork, one of the singers gave the note and the others tuned into to produce the concert that was the answer to our prayer. It was renewing and invigorating, leaving us in tears, with full heart of contentment.

Life is a give and take, even with our angels. We weren’t expecting this concert, rather our prayer was one of thanksgiving. Not everything needs to be articulated. Sometimes its best to pray and know that everything falls into place. Angels bring that simple message to us as they did that day in Geghartavank.

We pray the prayer of St. Nersess Shnorhali from the 20th hour, “Benevolent Lord, commit me to a good angel, who may deliver my soul in peace, and convey it undisturbed through the cruelty of evil, to heavenly places. Amen.”

Children and Religion

Armodoxy for Today: Children & Religion

It is interesting to me that as adults we want to impose on our children systems that have not worked for us. Jesus, turns the tables on that discussion, as he usually does, by calling a child as the example of what he wanted to see in us all.

We read in Matthew 18: At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them,  and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.

Children are pure, but we know that purity can soon be diluted and corrupted. It seems there are more opportunities and quicker means by which children can be corrupted today. And so, we create ways of passing on knowledge to our kids. The challenge for us, is not to lose track of our goal. I have heard many well-intentioned teachers of scripture do so in literal terms. For instance, presenting the story of Noah’s Ark as literal truth, will certainly backfire when the children ask simple questions like, “What do you mean everyone was so bad that God flooded the world? What about the child that was born the night before, was she evil too?” Instead, the stories of the Old Testament are there to be used as metaphors and templates for some basic truths, such as God has rules and regulations.

The best lessons we can give children is given not with words but by action. When children see their parents and teacher live the life they preach, a greater lesson cannot be learned.

At the Armenian Monastery at Geghart, there is a room to light candles, as there is in all the monasteries. In these rooms are large trays holding sand, where people can light candles of prayer, reminding them of the Light that comes from Christ. At Geghart, however, they have a few of these candle areas that are only a few feet above the ground, making them accessible by children. Right next to their parents, children have an opportunity to stop, light a candle and begin a habit that they will carry with them through their lifetime. These habits are the way traditions are born.

The easiest and most meaningful lessons in life are those which are passed along sincerely.

We pray a prayer by Archbishop Hovnan, “Lord, my God, Your light shines upon me this morning. I lift up my heart to You and with Your blessings I walk to school to enlighten my mind and soul and to become a kind student. Lord, bless me day and night and I promise to live a meaningful life for your glory. Amen.”