Tag Archive for: Truth


Armodoxy for Today: Conviction

Jesus Christ was the first non-violent revolutionary. He brought about a revolution – a change, a shift in understanding – without using physical force. Just the opposite, he took on physical force. His teachings have been adopted by many to bring about change – fundamental change – in nations, political systems and of course, in the person. During the last century, the likes of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela implemented principals of non-violent resistance in liberating people from oppression.

Armenia, and its leadership, early on, adopted these principles. Jesus’ teachings, as expressed in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) are not for the weak or the meek. I am convinced that 4th century Armenian King Tirdat, who had armies (plural!) under his command, who understood strength and diplomacy, who understood military strategy… I am convinced that Tirdat accepted Christianity because he saw it as power for victory and not for surrender. He proclaimed Armenia as the first Christian nation in 301AD because he saw the strength of this Faith, based on the message of Jesus Christ, was about overcoming evil with the power of love. He understood the power of resurrection over death!

That focus on resurrection is the tie that binds together the religious leaders we have discussed this past week, from Martin Luther King to Khrimian Hayrik to Gregory the Chainbearer to Catholicos Vazken I of blessed memory. We can cite many more. They all were convinced that resurrection was possible after crucifixion because they believed in the Resurrection of Christ. They shared a common conviction in the power of Christianity through the Resurrection. That conviction is what made their leadership real, unquestionable and worthy of following.

It is the same conviction possessed by the Holy Apostles, a conviction that witnessed to the power of Christ and brought people to the Faith. Each of the Apostles went to their death proclaiming the Resurrection as truth. You do not put your life on the line for a lie. If the Resurrection to which they witnessed was a lie they would not have died a torturous death. There was no peer pressure to tell the truth either. The Apostles were each separated by distance, one in Rome, another in Ethiopia, India, Armenia and elsewhere throughout the world. They went to death for the truth, each in his own way. That’s conviction. It’s the one element historians do not mention, but the proof of the Armenian experience, that is, Armodoxy, is a living testament to that Faith.

We pray today a prayer from St. Mesrob Mashdots, Mighty King, refuge of the thirsty, Savior of the troubled, who succumbed to suffering for us at the hands of rulers. Prohibit Satan from enslaving those whom You have saved. Forbid the Evil One from seeking refuge in the House of God. With Your divine love, have mercy upon your creation. Amen

The Missed Sunset

Next Step #770 – March 16, 2023 – Going down the AI rabbit hole with Fr. Vazken. Where AI can take us.  Creating reality and implication for Truth and truth discovery. From a 1K Timex to information harvesting, from Pilate to the searcher: Truth. How Christianity is distorted by Bible text banging. Bible Study was never like this…
Zulal – By the Shepherd’s Clock
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for http://Epostle.net
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Under Wraps

Next Step #751: From coverups to false narratives, from truth to Truth, a look at how we are being impacted from forces around us. Halloween is only a part of it, and only the beginning. “Celebrating the Schism” leads to a deep dive into some uncomfortable areas for uncomfortable times.
Jesus as a Lunch Date?
The Search
1927 Picnic
Elon Musk, First Day at Twitter
Arcadi Volodos Piano Transcriptions
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for Epostle.net
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Bishop Daniel Interview

Next Step #749: “We are sitting on a treasure” says Bishop Daniel Findikyan, and admits that the value of that treasure is “inconceivable.” Listen in on this interview that goes beyond administrative issues and talks about Faith, Christ, God, and our spiritual life. Discuss: Truth through Jesus, the Prosperity Gospel, Old and New Testaments and Bible in the light, the gender of God, translating beyond language, and much more.
Check out Epostle.net for the latest and daily updates.
Bishop Daniel at St. Leon Cathedral (10/9/22)
The Next Step Interview with Bp. Daniel (2018)
Holy Spirit Building the Church
Cover Photo: Vahe Sargsyan at the 40th anniversary
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for Epostle.net
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We’re on StitcherPandora and Apple Podcasts.


The Forgotten 4th Dimension

Next Step #630: The Church in 2020 exists in a unique space and time, we’ve forgotten the basic reality of our physical universe. History and truth: changes in both? Here’s a candid look at changes that threaten and true Changes that insure growth. Coining the Fourth Dimensional Church – first looks.
Gor Mkhitarian “Protect Us
Gor Mkhitarian
AoC on Jesus view
NS#576 “Images of Jesus
John Meyendoroff, “Living Traditions”
Cover: Fourth Dimensional Angel, Artsax 2019, Fr. Vazken
Technical Director: Ken Nalik
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
Look for The Next Step on blubrry.com
Listen via Stitcher Radio on demand! 

Behind the Wizard’s Curtain

Next Step #565: A journey to the wonderful Land of Oz where the curtain is pulled on some exciting truths: About prayer, about self worth and about finding God within. No spoiler here – listen in 80 years later. Freedom of Speech basics: Exposing those who can’t end their criticism. Democratic candidates: Spanish language websites and the Apostolic Church?
Judy Garland: “Over the Rainbow
Movies of 1939
Hare who lost his spectacles
Freedom of Speech, Really?
Fr. Greg Boyle (Homeboy Industries)
Reclaim Gomidas Vartabed
Democrats and Spanish Language Websites
Buddha on the Road
Cover: Street Lights 2015 Fr. Vazken
Technical Director: Ken Nalik
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
Subscribe to In His Shoes » Next Step with Fr. Vazken by Email
Look for The Next Step on blubrry.com
Listen via Stitcher Radio on demand!

Lights on in the TZ

Next Step #451: The Chalcedon and Fahrenheit edition. The “business” of the Church. The three Ecumenical Councils of the Universal Christian Church. AMen to Armenian men Arizona style. Negative diseases: Sifting through the pessimism of Trump’s Inagural Address and the follow up protests. Bizarre moments of jumping state lines. The Optimism that is fueled by pessimism. Distractions, coverings and missing the message of Life: The burden of attention. Focusing and actualizing truth and embracing the good – some practical answers. Man & Money: Treasure & Heart – the money factor in the Church equation. Expansion of Epostle ministry.
Louis Armstrong: That Lucky Old Sun Rolling Around Heaven All Day
Ecumenical Councils
St. Apkar Armenian Church, Scottsdale
Excuses (in Armenian)
RECLAIM conference: www.Embracing-Faith.com
Engineered by Ken Nalik
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
Subscribe to In His Shoes » Next Step with Fr. Vazken by Email
Look for The Next Step on blubrry.com
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