About Children’s Memorial – “Key” Message
Parish Priest’s Message from the “Key” Newsletter – 11 December 2011
We’re in the middle of the Advent season and all around us are signs and signals that Christmas is fast approaching. At our church, we’ve been busy with our outreach programs and giving a signal to the world that Christ’s Birth is truly a celebration of love, charity, hope and happiness.
Unfortunately the Christmas season does have a down side to it. It is a very difficult and lonely time for those who have suffered the loss of children. It means going through the holidays incomplete and the hurt is even more accented.
This evening, at 7:00PM, we will be gathering for the Cathia Hamparian Children’s Memorial. It’s our annual event to offer solace to those faced with this horrendous tragedy. People throughout the world will be lighting candles in honor of children who have passed away. The idea is to create a wave of light that will circle the planet, so as candles in one time zone are extinguished, they are lit in the next zone.
We invite you to remember with us.
Today, during the Divine Liturgy we will offer a special prayer for the children – particularly the children who are so quickly forgotten – the faceless ones who we hear about only as statistics. Those children of war, famine and even genocide. Each child has a parent who grieves. May God grant strength to all those who remain. ~Fr. Vazken 
Check out all the outreach activities on our website: www.InHisShoes.org
*The “Key” is the weekly newsletter of the St. Peter Armenian Church, Glendale, CA – Jesus asked the Disciples, “Who do YOU say that I am?” Peter responded “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Jesus promised the Keys to the Kingdom for this profession of faith. (Mt 16) At the St. Peter, Glendale Parish, our faith and actions are based on that same profession of faith. It is the Key that opens the doors to our journey as Christians…
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