Missing from the Nicene Creed
Next Step #270 – August 8, 2013
Discovering a missing element from the Nicene Creed. Is there more than the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and the Church? Listen in as Fr. Vazken finds the missing piece to the puzzle of Orthodoxy and Armodoxy. Balancing the roller-coasters of life – the cries and laughs – with a hug-proposal – how about a week long hug-fest? Beginning the 100th Anniversary Commemoration of the Genocide with some sanity. Also: In what language do you think? A look from the ghetto.
Song: Khatchadour Avetissian “Djermag Aghavnie” – White Dove
100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide Monument Groundbreaking speech by Fr. Vazken
In His Shoes “Leveraging Love”: http://inhisshoes.org
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for epostle.net
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