Tag Archive for: Alabaster Box

Muiron: Manger to Resurrection

Armodoxy for Today: Muiron Manger to Resurrection

Armenia was blessed by the visit of two of Christ’s Apostles, Saint Thaddeus and Saint Bartholomew. They came to Armenia to evangelize the Gospel three to four years apart from one another, in the years 41 and 45 A.D. respectively. To put it in context, they arrived in  Armenia less than 10 years after the life-changing and history altering events of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, to which they were both eye-witnesses! Yesterday I shared the story of Thaddeus’s part in the formation of the Holy Muiron. St. Bartholomew’s story is considered apocryphal yet inspiring and is one more connection with Jesus and the Muiron.

When the Blessed Mother, the Asdvadzadzin, passed away, all of the Apostles attended her funeral except for Bartholomew. When Bartholomew returned to Jerusalem and was informed of Mother Mary’s passing, he requested to see the Blessed remains one last time. When they opened her tomb, her body was not there. She was assumed into Heaven by her Son.

During Jesus’ infancy, scripture tells us many events took place and “Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19) When Jesus’ umbilical cord fell off, Mary kept it in an alabaster box. When Bartholomew came to pay his respects to Holy Mother’s life, he was given the box, which he kept close to his heart.

Bartholomew brought this box with him to Armenia. He was martyred there for his faith in and commitment to Jesus Christ. Before he was executed, he was able pass along the small alabaster box to the members of the underground Church in Armenia. The box and its content – the umbilical cord of our Lord – were secretly kept by the Church until the Conversion of Armenia in the year 301 A.D. by St. Gregory the Illuminator. At that time the box was turned over to Gregory who had ascended to the Apostolic Throne as chief bishop. Gregory blessed the first batch of Holy Muiron at that time and added the content the alabaster box to the oil, along with the Oil that Jesus had sent with Thaddeus. Because in each new batch the previous batch is added, there are molecules from the time of Jesus Christ, with his DNA giving a direct physical connection to the Lord, from the Manger to the Resurrection.  Indeed, the Muiron is what binds us together into one family – the family of Christ – or Christian. Is it any wonder that Armenian names end with the suffix “ian”? The “ian” refers to “the family of…” In this case, a Christ-ian is a member of the family of Christ.

During the Blessing of the Muiron, in the prayers offered by the Catholicos, he refers to the mixture as yiugh, that is “oil” up to the point where the previous batch is added, at which time it is properly referred to as Holy Muiron.

We pray today, Lord Jesus Christ, Keep ever before my mind your precious and holy words, that “My family are those who hear the word of God and do it.” (Luke 8:21) Through the intercession of your beloved disciples Bartholomew and Thaddeus, I ask that you fortify with me the virtues of Faith, Hope and Love so that I may be worthy be called a Christian. Amen.

Alabaster Box with the Umbilical Cord

Armodoxy for Today: Alabaster Box

Now that the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother of God, Asdvadzadzin, has passed I share with you this fascinating story that connects all Christians who are baptized and confirmed in the Armenian Church.

When the Asdvadzadzin passed away, all of the Apostles except for the Apostle Bartholomew were in Jerusalem and attended her funeral service. When Bartholomew returned to Jerusalem and was informed of Mother Mary’s passing, he requested to see the Blessed remains one last time. When they opened her tomb to honor Bartholomew’s request, her body was not there. She was assumed into Heaven by her Son. Hence the word “Assumption” is used to describe Asdvadzadzin’s entrance into Heaven. It differs from the Resurrection, which was a singular event, where in Jesus, on His own power, resurrected. In the case of St. Mary, she was assumed into Heaven.

There is a short apocryphal story which follows. During Jesus’ infancy, scripture tells us many events took place and “Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19) When Jesus’ umbilical cord fell off, Mary placed it in an alabaster box and kept it with her through the years. When Bartholomew came to pay his respects to Holy Mother’s life, he was given the box, which he kept close to his heart.

In the fourth decade A.D., Bartholomew came to Armenia to preach the Gospel. He was martyred in Armenia for his faith in and commitment to Jesus Christ. Before he was executed, he was able pass along the small alabaster box to the members of the underground Church in Armenia. The box and its content, the umbilical cord of our Lord, were secretly kept by the Church until the Conversion of Armenia in the year 301 A.D. by St. Gregory the Illuminator. At that time the box was turned over to Gregory who had ascended to the Apostolic Throne as chief bishop. Gregory consecrated the first batch of Holy Miuron at that time and added the remains of the umbilical cord to the first miuron. This Holy Chrism, which is used for consecration of the faithful, priests, bishops and holy sites, is renewed every seven years. In each new batch, the previous batch is added, meaning there are molecules in the Holy Miuron from the time of Jesus Christ!

This is year there will be a blessing of the Holy Miuron. In the coming episodes we will share the mystery of the Holy Miuron with our listeners.

We pray today, Mary’s Song, referred to as the Magnificat, in Armenian, Medzastzudzeh.
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior, for He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed. Amen.