Tag Archive for: Armenian Church History

Liberty Experiment

Armodoxy for Today: Liberty

During elections, such as the one we just had in the United States, questions about democracy and freedom always surface. Democracy in America has been referred to as an experiment because there are so many variables at play that can influence the outcome. All of these variables come in the form of human decisions and reactions, which raises the number of possible results exponentially. The brilliance of the U.S. Constitution is that it puts into place a system of checks and balances. For about 250 years democratic principles of equal rights, general suffrage and government by the people have been tested and tried, retested and retried. The system is far from perfect, but still, the move forward is to strive for the “goal” as outlined by the Constitution.

The Declaration of Independence, signed in 1776, claims that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

These words are beautifully and thoughtfully crafted at a time when independence was only a dream for a group who had escaped the tyranny and ties of the Crown. Within the Declaration of Independence cries of human suffering can be heard. True religion has advocated for human rights, and has been a voice for freedom and liberty, during oppressive history.

The Armenian Church has lived within monarchies, kingdoms, dictatorships, oppressive and barbaric regimes, and even through atheistic Soviet society. The Gospel Message of Christ is greater than any political ideology and must maintain its integrity despite the political climate of the age. The Gospel is a message of freedom is unlike any liberty that can be offered by governments or political entities. The Gospel is given to us by Jesus Christ, the Great Liberator. In the worst of situations, a person can be free. In the most lucrative and decorative lifestyles, a person may be imprisoned.

When reflecting on political realities and events that affect and ultimately control life, equality, oppression, human suffering and liberation, take a moment to first reflect on you – us – and our commitment to ideals greater than ourselves. What are the true restrictions that are placed on our lives? What is it that oppresses us? Where is our liberation?

The Armenian Church refers to the message of Jesus as “ansud khosdum,” that is, His words that cannot lie. In that context of absolute truth, the Armenian Church has presented His message, I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) Put the pieces together and you realize that that abundance is beyond physical measurements. It is in this central message of Liberation that the Armenian Church – Armodoxy – came to guide and direct the people through suffering and oppression. The greatest expression of Liberty is when we use our God-given power to create our own lives.

We pray today, Heavenly Father, bless those who bless you. Give wisdom to those who lead. Keep us vigilant in our commitment to pursue that which is necessary, namely life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Keep us focused on our commitment to work for peace on earth, harmony and understanding between us and our fellow human being. Amen.