Tag Archive for: nature

Muiron’s Natural Energy

Armodoxy for today: Muiron’s Natural ingredients

The ingredients of Muiron are all natural. Forty days before the Blessing of the Holy Muiron the ingredients are placed in a large ceremonial cauldron before the Altar Table at Holy Etchmiadzin. With prayers recited by the priests and bishops, the olive oil, oil of balsam and the essence of different flowers are added and there they will stay absorbing the energy of Etchmiadzin and the prayers of the people, as we discussed in the last session with the example of the Curtain that continued to bless the homeless population on the streets.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, a Soviet dissident who helped to raise global awareness of political repression in the Gulag prison system, and won the 1970 Nobel Prize in Literature, wrote this beautiful short prose poem dedicated to a duckling.

A little yellow duckling, flopping comically on its white belly in the wet grass and scarcely able to stand on its thin, feeble legs, runs in front of me and quacks: “Where’s my mommy? Where’s my family?”

… this one is lost Come on then, little thing, let me take you in my hand.

What keeps it alive? It weighs nothing; its little black eyes are like beads, its feet are like sparrows’ feet, the slightest squeeze and it would be no more. Yet it is warm with life. Its little beak is pale pink and slightly splayed, like a manicured fingernail. Its feet are already webbed, there is yellow among its feathers, and its downy wings are starting to protrude. Its personality already sets it apart …

And we men will soon be flying to Venus; if we a pooled our efforts, we could plough up the whole world in twenty minutes. Yet, with all our atomic might, we shall never-never! — be able to make this feeble speck of a yellow duckling in a test tube; even if we were given the feathers and bones, we could never put such a creature together.*

Like the life in our breath, the cells of a trees, the splash of an ocean wave or in the feather of the duckling Solzhenitsyn describes here, everything is of God. Here we understand the lifeforce that is essence of Holy Muiron, as the ingredients from nature enter the mix.

We pray, from the Book of Sirach,  From the beginning good things were created for the good, but for sinners good things and bad. The basic necessities of human life are water and fire and iron and salt and wheat flour and milk and honey, the blood of the grape and oil and clothing. All these are good for the godly, but for sinners they turn into evils.

*Excerpt from Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Short Stories and Prose Poems. Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 1971. Bantam 1972

Muiron Inclusion

Armodoxy for Today: Muiron Mixture Inclusion

Thus far we’ve spoken about the spiritual attributes of Holy Muiron. We’ve followed scripture and connected dots between the Presence of the Holy Spirit in our world, Muirons history and our lives today. We’ve learned about the “players” those who will be blessing the Holy Muiron and the significance of their positions. We now have the groundwork from which to look at the preparation of the Muiron itself.

The Muiron is made of olive oil, the oil of balsam and the essence of forty different flowers, herbs and vegetation. As a prelude to the ingredients, I’d like to share with you two stories, which are essential to a proper understanding of Muiron in our lives today.

I grew up in the Los Angeles area. The mountains to the east of the city are particularly susceptible to wildfire. In the 1960s the Angeles Forest went up in flames. During my sixth grade semester the school district took us to an area inside the forest called Clear Creek. There, our classes camped out for a few days and one of our assignments was to plant seedlings in the burn areas to bring back the forest. At the same time, our camp counselors gave us instruction about nature and the importance of respecting our natural surroundings.

One day, I remember vividly, our sixth-grade class stood on the ridge as the counselor, or perhaps it was a forest ranger, asked us to remain silent and listen to all of nature’s sounds. Thirty of us stood on the ridge quietly listening. Do you hear the bird? Do you hear the water running through the creek? Do you hear the frogs talking to one another? Do you hear the rustle of the leaves telling us there is a breeze above us?  And then, suddenly, our meditative state was interrupted by one of the kids in our class who made an obnoxious and rude sound, causing everyone to burst out laughing.

Obviously, the mood was destroyed. The lesson the listen was perhaps even ruined, but not for me. One of the teachers/counselors that stood there with us, quickly reprimanded the student and brought the rest of the class to some order. He was upset and came down on the boy for making the silly noise and the rest of us for laughing and destroying the experiment.

And I remember thinking at that moment that wasn’t this kid’s obnoxious sound also not a part of the moment? After all, aren’t rude sounds something that young boys make? This boy got the attention he sought and perhaps a bit more. But for me, it was the idea that why was this boy’s voice and sound not equally as valid as the sound of the birds, the creek, the frogs or the leaves? At that moment, that boy made a sound, just as the birds, the creek, the frogs and the leaves did. His voice, however obnoxious it may have seemed, was a reflection of our presence in nature and therefore, it was an integral part of the mix.

Often, when discussing the Church or learning about events such as the Muiron Blessing, it is easy to think of them as performances – as something apart from us. Church is history is not about facts and figures. Sure, the Church exists on a temporal plane and therefore has a recordable history. Those are the facts and figures, but the Church’s story is also outside of time. Its history reads as a play with you as a character interacting with the storyline. That’s the first lesson of the Muiron mix, tomorrow we’ll talk about how you become part of the mix.

Prayer from St. Nersess Shnorhali’s 11th hour, Jesus, Wisdom of the Father, grant me wisdom so that I may think, speak and do that which is good in your sight. Save me from evil, thoughts words and deeds. Amen.

Shooting Star

Next Step #739: A “star” shoots from one side of the sky to the other, from brightness to fizzle, at a speed that beckons slomo. A look at the speed of life, the expectations for tomorrow and reflections. Nurture vs. Nature, the case for goodness in people. Innocence lost. The greatness of children in the words of Jesus. The clergy prop. Imagination: the gift of God to exploit.
Epostle.net – https://epostle.net
Next Step #423 – A second listen
Matthew 18:1-14
Harry Chapin 
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
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Empire through Wyoming

Next Step #531: Warhol’s “Empire” and “Sleep” movies in the context of forgotten beauty found. Fr. Vazken discovers something not lost but forgotten in the skies over and mountains of Wyoming. Scriptural references: Luke 2:41-52 and John 15.
Empire” by Andy Warhol
Sleep” by Andy Warhol
“Been Too Long” by John Darnall Under the Stars
St. Mary & Grape Blessing
Cover photo: Fr. Vazken from the Woods by Susan Movsesian
Engineered by Ken Nalik
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
Subscribe to In His Shoes » Next Step with Fr. Vazken by Email
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Exercising Exorcism

Next Step #430: (rebroadcast of episode #70) It’s not all about head-spins and vomit, as Fr. Vazken follows up on reports of exorcism. The nature/nurture argument in defining evil and the devil. Where are balances of good and evil in our lives. Bulletin from the Vatican about New Media in the church. A look at spirituality in the world and rising trends.
Ani’s Bubbles: Sand and Stone
Shogher Jan performed by Gor Mkhitarian written by Gomidas Vartabed
Photo: Alex Grey’s “Life & Death 7 faces”
Sponsored by Pomegranateandeye.etsy.com
Engineered by Ken Nalik
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
Subscribe to In His Shoes » Next Step with Fr. Vazken by Email
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