Tag Archive for: Palestinians

Olympic Size Scandals

Armodoxy for Today: Olympic Size Scandals

When the best of the best get together for the Olympic games, you expect fierce competition and good sportsmanship.  That was and is the intent of the Olympics. Countries and their people, who otherwise would not cross paths, are brought together in a healthy attempt – to try to get along on the fields, pools and arenas.

Controversies and scandals are par for the course at sporting events. They usually stem around cheating, whether by artificially stimulating muscles through drugs, or bribing a judge, or doctoring scores. People are on the lookout for those kinds of scandals.

Then there are the scandals that hit while people are unprepared. For instance, the Olympics are about sports, but a scandal arises in the opening ceremonies. These types are even more accentuated when they take on a religious tone.  Interestingly, the rush to the aid of God is great and so goes the argument that God is all powerful if He needs His lowly creation to defend him!

I read and saw the buzz on social media that a live tableau at the opening ceremonies was found offensive by the religious community because it was deemed to mock Christ. And the shout out was, “Blasphemy!” As I heard that news item, I read about the killing of innocent children in camps filled with Palestinians facing starvation. I hear and rehear stories of thousands being killed  mercilessly in retaliatory efforts. I watch as rhetoric is thrown around to justify inhumane violence. I listen to the calls for peace, while we all know that killing breeds killing, and the killings of today have created new scars that will last generations to come.

It is easier to fight for God than to promote peace, which begins with understanding and is complimented with mercy. There is no greater scandal than the desecration of life. It is the ultimate blasphemy. Listen to the words of our Lord, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” (Hosea 6:6, Matthew 9:13)

From the Book of Hours of the Armenian Church, Peace and life, Lord and Savior, give us Your peace, so that having found it, we escape from all worldly commotions so we may become a temple and a habitation of Your grace. Amen.