Yettem in Glendale – “Key” Message
Parish Priest’s Message from the “Key” Newsletter – 2 October 2011
We’re pleased to welcome the priest and parishioners of the St. Mary Armenian Church of Yettem, California to Glendale and to our church. A few months back a group of us visited St. Mary as a pilgrimage. We prayed with the congregation there and enjoyed the very warm Yettem hospitality.
Yettem was one of the first communities to be established by immigrants from Armenia. And here, Glendale is one of the last communities to be established by Armenians escaping persecution and unrest in the Middle East. Glendale is home to one of the largest population of Armenians outside of Armenia.
Today, as we celebrate the Holy Divine Liturgy, we bring together generations and communities. We become a witness to the power of love and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, to bring peace and stability to a hurting world.
Welcome Fr. Vartan and parishioners of Yettem to Glendale. My your pilgrimage to this holy house be blessed. Your brothers and sisters greet you in love and harmony.
The week in brief: We launched the 40 days of prayer for Abortionists in the Glendale area. Our Primate, Abp. Hovnan has blessed the outreach by proclaiming a season of “Healing through prayer.”
Further, we launched our Domestic Violence Action committee. By the grace of God we should see the Hotline launched before the Christmas season.
Thanks to everyone for all the support at the annual festival last weekend. And congratulations to our Epostle staff for their constant move forward!
Please continue to pray for your church and her ministry. ~ Fr. Vazken
*The “Key” is the weekly newsletter of the St. Peter Armenian Church, Glendale, CA – Jesus asked the Disciples, “Who do YOU say that I am?” Peter responded “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Jesus promised the Keys to the Kingdom for this profession of faith. (Mt 16) At the St. Peter, Glendale Parish, our faith and actions are based on that same profession of faith. It is the Key that opens the doors to our journey as Christians…
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