Living Water from My Car

Armodoxy for Today: Living Water in My Car

The fires swept through different parts of Los Angeles. People were evacuated from their homes as their neighborhoods went up in flames. When the “all clear” was given families returned to find either a house standing or the worst. The news source was in the ON mode 24hrs a day, whether on a phone, computer, radio or television set, that news said where and when entry was allowed and what to expect in those burnt areas. “The water supply has been compromised!” “Do not drink the water from the tap.” “Drink only bottled water,” were the first warnings that came with a pass to return home.

On my way home, stopped at a red traffic light, I had so much on my mind that I didn’t notice the group of young people standing at the corner. Suddenly they opened my car door and put two cases of water in the back seat. One of the guys asked if I wanted another case, and before I could answer – before I knew what was going on – he put a third case on top of the others in my back seat.

The light was still red. I looked up. Happy – celebrating – young people were holding up signs with the words, “Free Water”. I asked what was going on? What was the source of this water? They said they were from the “Living Water” Church. It’s a church that’s just up the street from us. In other words, the church was also in the danger zone, and yet, their congregants were out on the corner sharing their fortune with others.

I asked the source of the water, and I got an answer that pointed me to a deep spring. “Living Water” refers to a passage from John chapter 7, where Jesus proclaims, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me… out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” (37-38)

There were no strings attached to the water. They only shared the name of the church because I asked. I tell you, if I didn’t have a church, I would definitely consider going there. And in fact, I will play hooky one day and go there. What a beautiful gesture. My heart swelled when I remembered the words of our Lord, “I was thirsty, and you gave me drink…. For when you did it to the least of my brothers you did it for Me.”

From the fifth hour of St. Nersess Shnorhali’s I confess with faith,” we pray, “Spirit of God, true God, who descended on the river Jordan, and into the Upper Room; who enlightened me by the baptism of the Holy Font, I have sinned against heaven and before you. Purify me again with your divine fire, as the fiery tongues purified the Holy Apostles. Have mercy upon your creatures, and on me. Amen.

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