Sun makes way for the Son
Next Step #27 – December 17, 2008
Celebrating Christmas before or after the New Year. Does it matter? To some yes, but from the Armenian Orthodox perspective, it’s one of many trappings that skew us from the Truth. What about the Bible? Did it come from God? Dare we say that there are means to God beyond the Bible? And if so, what does that say about the truth of the Bible? Find out in this podcast which explains a bit more than the date of Christmas. Travel back in time to the first thoughts of religion and find out how fact and truth can end up on two different sides of the coin. And all this occurs as our planet takes a spin around the outer rim of its orbit around the Sun. Happy Solstice and a Merry Christmas to all!
Featured Songs: Carols by Joan Baez, Victory by Gor Mkhitarian
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