Tag Archive for: Hope and Love

Paying Back Mad Men

Armodoxy for Today: Christmas in July

The ad came by mail, with my home address on label, though my name was shortened to Occupant. It was one of the few things that still came to me by mail. Red and green writing over a picture of a big poinsettia plant. The writing was in block letters, “CHRISTMAS IN JULY – SALE!” it said. I smiled briefly and thought so little of it that I tossed it in the trash without a second thought. Later that day the same ad caught my eye while scanning through the TV dial, a big candy cane with the words, “Christmas in July – SALE” in beautiful script.

The following day, I couldn’t avoid this ad. The words were popping up on my social media pages, letting me know this was not only being promoted by old-school media, but this was a full-blown campaign to bring the old-yuletide cheer to businesses wanting to scoop up some extra funds in mid-summer.

Imagine that I thought to myself, marketers are bringing the Christ name-brand, that is Christmas, to our local neighborhood to sell made-in-China wares to a sympathetic public. To be sure, the economy here in the US is dependent on year-end, holiday shopping. So, some entrepreneurs are capitalizing on the popularity of Christmas and exploiting it by creating an extra season of holly, candy cane stripes and jolly merriment to collect the financial rewards that comes with this new Christmas season. Imagine that I thought.

And then it hit me: This was the Armodoxy formula: The Christian celebrates Christmas every day of the year! This was the goal we set out to achieve when we said celebrate on December 25 and January 6. Christ is born and revealed every day when a Christian lives his or her life according to the tenants of love. The Christian keeps the message of Christmas alive and in focus all year long! Of course, no one is fooled by this Christmas in July campaign. The object is simply to make money. But that doesn’t mean we can’t use the opportunity to focus on the Christmas message in July, just as we should in August, October, March and May.

So welcome to Christmas in July, courtesy of Madison Avenue. What a nice treat in the middle of the hot sweltering dog days of summer? We can imagine snow, sleighs and the cold of winter. And while we’re at it, let’s remember the babe in the manger, the hope for peace on earth and goodwill toward one another. This is the best payback for all the years business capitalized on Christ’s birth, now we have a chance to spread the message of hope and love on the coattails of this ad campaign. Merry Christmas in July!

Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of your Son at the stable in Bethlehem and once again today in my heart and in your world. May the joy of Christmas never be without Christ today, tomorrow, in December and January, and always. Amen.