Evolving to 97.5
Next Step #609: After the impeachment trial in the US and our drift from Globalism. Church and State is blurred in Orthodoxy as we deal with Church and Ethnicity. A Handmaid’s Tale: Possibilities from Sci-fi to reality. Fr. Vazken speaks candidly about the dilemma facing the Armenian Church in particular and ‘Ethnic’ churches in general as churches celebrate nationalism. A loss for globalism and interrelations. Evolution happens: changes to body temperature is a new reading of Lewis Carroll’s “The Walrus and the Carpenter”. Annual Superbowl reflection: 1/2 a minute is MORE than the budget of all the Armenian Churches and traveling at the speed of light. Ground Hog Day and basic church economics: Learning from the Dishonest Servant
Michael Gulezian
Body Temperature changes
Martin Luther King Jr.’s Christmas sermon 1967
Handmaid’s Tale
Senator Romney’s speech
Walrus and the Carpenter
Lewis Carroll
Luke 2
WD-168 This week
Engineered by Ken Nalik
Produced by Suzie Shatarevyan for InHisShoes.org
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